by Jeff Yablon | Apr 19, 2016 | Content, Influency, Marketing
In 2009, The Federal Trade Commission created a rule that banned native advertisements without disclosure. We weighed in on the idea, saying that for $11,000,01 (the fine was $11,000) we’d post native advertisements for you, and a couple of months later followed...
by Jeff Yablon | Jul 28, 2014 | Business Process, Content, Marketing
If it’s never before occurred to you that the word “Kardashian” sounds like a monetary unit (<ahem>; the Kardashian kind of IS a monetary unit), then the point I’m about to make about custom databases might be hard to process. Business...
by Jeff Yablon | Feb 10, 2011 | Business Process
You know all those followers Ashton Kutcher and Kim Kardashian have on Twitter? Remember how I’ve told you that follower count just isn’t that important? Now, there’s proof. It’s true, despite Ms. Kardashian’s seemingly important role in...
by Jeff Yablon | Nov 8, 2010 | Business Process, Media
If you’ve ever been in an orchard, seen a yummy-looking apple just above your head, picked it, and taken a bite, you may have experienced the problem with doing things the easy way. Low-hanging fruit may be easy to lay your hands on, but that doesn’t make...
by Jeff Yablon | Aug 27, 2010 | Business Process
Thank you, Federal Trade Commission. Just when I thought the FTC was doing something potentially useful, they’ve decided that their own regulation providing for fines of $11,000 each time someone tweets or otherwise blogs for payment without disclosing that...