by Jeff Yablon | Sep 16, 2013 | Influency
Perception is Reality, and Nothing is Free. So what does that mean to Influency? Everything. Earlier this month, Huffington Post ran a story under the sensationalist headline Walgreens Shoppers May Be Overpaying By Up To 55 Percent: Study. OK, the study being cited...
by Jeff Yablon | Feb 15, 2013 | Content, Influency, Media
Ever wonder why your cell phone doesn’t work when you’re in a tunnel? Or on the subway, 100 feet under ground? Of course not. You have no cell service because you have no contact with a cell tower. It’s basically the same problem as your WiFi signal...
by Jeff Yablon | Aug 31, 2012 | Business Process
The last time I wrote a Labor Day piece was three years ago. Here’s another, but this business change isn’t about labor unions or holidays; today’s topic is the kind of labor women go into before they give birth. And lawmakers’ propensity to...
by Jeff Yablon | Apr 9, 2012 | Business Process, Media
Perception is Reality. So what’s your perception of AOL selling a big chunk of its patent portfolio to Microsoft? Reality: whichever side you hear things from, it doesn’t really matter whether AOL made a good deal here or a bad one. I wasn’t even...
by Jeff Yablon | Apr 3, 2012 | Business Process
As often as I discuss the relationship between perception and reality, there are few issues that display the importance of paying attention to the way your customers see you and behave better than speed. Now, we have a new measurement that you can use to gauge the...