by Jeff Yablon | Nov 2, 2012 | Business Process, Marketing
As I watch New York City attempt to recover from Hurricane Sandy and think about business change, I’m more aware than ever about perception and reality. The most difficult challenge I’ve had to overcome this week is the lack of fresh bread in my...
by Jeff Yablon | Sep 25, 2012 | Business Process, Design
Just when I was feeling all warm and fuzzy about Apple . . . So by now you’ve heard all the opinions on Apple’s iPhone 5. Maybe you’re one of the several million people who’s already bought one. Maybe you don’t care about the fact that...
by Jeff Yablon | Sep 13, 2012 | Business Process, Design
See this smile? It’s Apple making $100 million in ancillary revenue, all while staying on the right side of European lawmakers. In Europe, where all SmartPhones are mandated to have the same MicroUSB connector that so many phones in the States and elsewhere...
by Jeff Yablon | Oct 13, 2011 | Business Process
Any second now, Apple’s iPhone 4S is going to be “real”. October 14 is the official launch date for the latest version of iPhone, and once it’s “out” people will be walking around talking to their phones, giving us all something new...
by Jeff Yablon | Aug 24, 2011 | Business Process
When they killed the TouchPad, Hewlett Packard proved Apple’s iPad to be just a toy. Now a new study suggests that the iPhone is very much the same thing. In the world of SmartPhones, Android devices are tools, while iPhones are toys. I’m actually a little...