by Jeff Yablon | Jan 22, 2014 | Content, Influency, Search Engine Optimization SEO
While this picture might be ridiculous (sorry, Matt … ) the idea it represents is anything but: (especially) if you’re a small business, Google is doing some really scary things. I’ve commented several times that Guest Blogging is increasingly a...
by Jeff Yablon | Jul 26, 2013 | Influency, Search Engine Optimization SEO
In teaching Influency (or creating your business’ Influency for you), I tell you a lot of things about a lot of stuff (see ‘everything’). One topic that comes up all the time is Optimization. Google’s Matt Cutts, himself a frequent topic of...
by Jeff Yablon | Jun 18, 2013 | Content, Influency, Media, Search Engine Optimization SEO
See this cute kitten looking through eyeglasses? Do you think it’s a stock photograph? Actually, it’s two, with some magic done to put them together. I found them both on the first page of results searching Google Images for “stock...
by Jeff Yablon | Apr 12, 2013 | Content, Influency, Marketing
About a month ago, a UK-based Marketing consultancy called Click Consult did something smart. Click Consult posted and started updating the collective words of wisdom of Google’s Matt Cutts to a web site they registered call The Short Cutts (and Matt’s...
by Jeff Yablon | May 27, 2011 | Search Engine Optimization SEO
Don’t say I didn’t tell you so. In February, when Google hit JC Penney with the Search Engine Invisibility bomb to punish them for employing Black-Hat SEO techniques, I applauded, but I’ve also suggested that Google can’t simply drop a company...