How Websites Should Work

In life, as in business, some things are best thought of as magic. Don’t ask how they work, just be happy they do. On the other hand, some things work well enough—until you start thinking about what “well enough” means. Websites fall into this...

It’s The Death of the Blog … Again

It’s the death of the blog. Again. This time, depending on how you read the words “death of the blog”, there’s a new legitimacy to the claim. As the folks at WP Tavern point out, one of the most prolific and long-standing bloggers around has...

WordPress Reality Field Distortion

  Earlier this week, I told you about changes coming to the website world, via WordPress Calypso. They’re big changes; game-changers, really, changing both your reality and WordPress Reality. This is not a subject of mere passing interest, of course. We’re...