The Answer Guy Team

Jeff Yablon

Jeff Yablon, Answerguy Central, PC-VIP, and Virtual VIP President and CEO

Jeff Yablon, as he’s said since his days on terrestrial radio in the mid 1990’s “is the Answer Guy”

Over a long and varied career, Answer Guy Jeff Yablon has learned to translate geek to business, and speak about business with geeks. Along with Answer Guy Central’s Design leader, Jeff coined the phrase “Influency*” , and moves the Answer Guy team as we effect business process change and management for our clients.

A renowned educational speaker and broadcaster, software author, and business development expert, Mr. Yablon has worked in concert with senior management at companies of every size to craft and deploy strategies for implementing technology and business processes in marketing, business development, and operations. Mr. Yablon’s complete bio can be found here.

Other Answer Guy Team Members

Just as we don’t reveal the identity of our clients, currently policy at Answer Guy Central stops us from talking about the other members of The Answer Guy Team. This might change, but for now please just accept that we need to maintain this policy. Frankly, our Design, Development, Content, and Media leaders are so good that we’re a bit shy about aiding in the possibility of them getting poached. Same goes for our Accounting and HR specialists, even though what they do is less flashy…

The idea is this: you needn’t sweat any of it; Jeff has them waiting on that ol’ Answer Guy direction, where and when you need them . . .