Did you enjoy your weekend? How much time did you spend speculating on what really happened at Tiger Woods’ house?
Is Mrs. Woods all upset about Tiger’s supposed extra-marital activities, and did she smash out the back window of his SUV in a rage, or was she rescuing him after he hit that fire hydrant? I DON’T CARE.
But I do care about this: the reporting on this issue was all over the map. Some of it was well put together, others a mess hurried to press with an eye toward speed at the expense of accuracy or thought. And the delineating line wasn’t traditional press versus blog; inconsistency and inaccuracy were everywhere.
This is happening repeatedly, and if you don’t figure out how to integrate that reality into the way you manage business change you’re going to get in trouble. We’re seeing it in the way Rupert Murdoch‘s might-or-might-not-be-happening negotiations with Microsoft and Bing are going; will deals between media outlets and search engines control what you see and where, moving forward? Almost certainly, but stay tuned for how.
People pay us for business advice, and I’d like to think they get their money’s worth and then some. Well here’s a simple one I’ve been tossing about for years. In analyzing your choices, ALWAYS remember this:
Good, Fast, Cheap; Pick Any Two