It’s Friday. I love telling you about business change, but by the end of the week I’m usually pretty tired. Sometimes my Friday posting is a little . . . thin.
Kinda Like This:
At the University of Florida, there’s now an honors course in playing a video game (search for “IDS2935”, or just read the description as I’ve copied it below). No, not creating video games, which really would qualify as useful for certain Computer Science majors. And not a business-related “economics of video games and you need to play a few to understand the idea” course.
This is literally a course in which you play a particular video game for eight weeks so you can learn life lessons from the game in the hopes of applying them in the real world. Check It Out:
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As I said, I have no problem with the application of interesting ideas and technologies to teach things in new, unusual, engaging ways. In fact, it’s a great idea. But a credit-bearing honors course in what once would have been called—let’s face it, people—”home economics” ?
Go forth. Find new ideas. Make business change any way you can, and if that includes getting people’s attention in ways that seem silly, well, fine. But understand that there still needs to be some connection between the purpose and the medium.
Or go back to college. Seems it’s getting easier . . .