Our Search Engine Optimization Philosophy

We’re pretty darned transparent about how we do Search Engine Optimization here at Answer Guy Central. We don’t want to give away our secrets, and we’ll never give yours away. But many of our clients want just a slightly better understanding of Search Engine Optimization before they engage us to undertake this part art/part science.

We’re constantly expanding our own SEO and Long-Tail Marketing reach to show off our abilities. Sometimes people ask why we bother optimizing for phrases like “Axl Rose Business“, “Mick Jagger Business“, and “Grateful Dead Business“, and the answer is that while those phrases might seem unrelated to what we do, optimizaing for them pulls our ranking as SEO Consultants up in the hearts and minds of people in the music business.

By the way: Search Google for any of those phrases, and then ask yourself how our rankings are so high. The answer is “Search Engine Optimization”.

This morning (September 14 2011) , I pulled results for how our SEO efforts are doing relative to a few other “seemingly unimportant” search engine optimization phrases. Check this out:

SEO Key Phrase

Google SEO Ranking
acer netbook won’t turn on


arrington swisher


binding price moving


dale reader a&e


geek squad rip offs


google buys hubspot


maher socialism capitalism


sell old software


is it legal to sell software


smartphones for older people


the saddest thing ever


transfer of employees from one company to another


watch fox tv ipad


Each of those phrases have a connection to one of the things we do here at Answer Guy Central.

This kind of SEO magic is what we do for our clients. But there’s more.

Search Engine Optimization is a process, not a task. Over time, your SEO efforts work . . . work better . . . work less . . . or even stop working, all dependent on how you approach SEO. Here’s our results for the phrase “Nissan of Manhattan”, which we’ve been optimizing for since November of last year:

Nissan of Manhattan SEO

See what that says? We cracked the top ten in a month, and have been consistently #2 for a couple of months now. And Nissan of Manhattan will be likely seeing our review of their services in that spot for a very long time. Want to know why, and how? Contact me here.

Oh, and by the way, we’re already at #20 for an even bigger car company. Search for “Honda Finance“. We started on that one just two weeks ago.

And then there’s this one:

Do What You Promise Search Engine Optimization

That’s Right. Answer Guy Central ranks #1. In The World. On Google. For the phrase “Do What You Promise”.

And we do. What We Promise, that is.

Talk to you soon . . .

-Jeff Yablon