Know who needs more attention? Jews.

American Jewish World Service has found a very funny way to get attention, and it includes big business change—or at least hopes that how things turn out. They’ve partnered with Judd Apatow to turn out a Public Service Announcement that makes one stereotypical Jewish joke after another, some spoken by Jews, others by those-who-are-not-chosen.

Of course, in with all the jokes about how cheap Jews are, AJWS has a serious message, and it’s that they want…your money. Irony is fun!

The Business Change? It’s OK to poke fun at stereotypes. Trust me on this, we’re not a people known for self-deprecating humor.

You may have seen my post just last week about customer service at B&H Photo, a large electronics store in New York City owned by Orthodox Jews. That was about business change, too, and I’m happy to report that most of the feedback I received on that piece was positive. Change isn’t always easy, but when it’s time, it’s time.

Now if I could just get these darned Jews to embrace Coopetition.