We DO want you. We want you to visit Answer Guy Central. We want you to share what you find here. We want to hear what you think and we want to help you build Influency. We also want you to write for us here—assuming you have something to say about business change and marketing.
We want you to respond both viscerally and literally to all of those wants. But it’s that last “write for us” want that’s the focus of today’s Answer Guy musings. Why? Because we gain a lot more when you contribute articles to Answer Guy Central than you do, and yesterday our old buddy Matt Cutts at Google as much as said so.
So right, we want you to write for us, but we’re recommending against it. You’re welcome, either way.
Influency, aside from taking a bit a lot of work, is best accomplished by keeping it at home. No, we aren’t off coopetition, but the management and optimization of how you create content and where you place it is a big deal if you’re trying to get found and listened to in a meaningful way.
In the latest Matt Cutts Video, Google’s Webspam overlord speaks out against guest blogging—or at least Mr. Cutts speaks out against a particular type of guest blogging. His rationale may be different from the article I’ve highlighted in red, above, but the point is still the same; guest blogging was a useful tool but has evolved into a big waste of time and perhaps even a dangerous way to spend your day.
Influency? Marketing? Guest Blogging? Time to Grow a Pair, indeed, don’t you think?
There’s a lot that goes into the Influency thing, and we’re here to help with what works, what doesn’t, and getting the issues addressed if you haven’t the time or staff to take care of them yourself. And you know why all of this matters? Because when you’re ready to get serious about Influency you need to move past a mere I Think You’ll Be OK.