by Jeff Yablon | Dec 12, 2012 | Content, Influency
Truer words that you see above have never been spoken. Ever since the days when I was The Computer Answer Guy, I’ve lived in a world filled with both end users and programmers. I’ve made it my challenge to bridge those worlds for decades now, which is why...
by Jeff Yablon | Dec 7, 2012 | Business Process, Content, Design, Development, Media
Ack!, as the character in the middle would say. Today, I’m taking our old “computers are too hard” refrain in a whole new direction. Ready? Content Management Systems Are Too Hard. As we get ready to re-brand and re-deploy Answer Guy Central around...
by Jeff Yablon | Dec 6, 2012 | Business Process, Content, Design, Influency
If you own or run a restaurant—or any business—you need to take a look at what’s started happening at I could almost stop there and move on with my day, but let’s spin things, OK? Just hopping over to might be fun, but more...
by Jeff Yablon | Aug 27, 2012 | Business Process, Search Engine Optimization SEO
Last week, I wrote about Hubspot, their upcoming price changes, and how, several years after I started paying attention to the now-partially-Google-owned marketing tool, Content Management System (CMS), and Content Farm, I’m still finding Hubspot’s...
by Jeff Yablon | Oct 25, 2011 | Business Process, Content, Design, Search Engine Optimization SEO
Sometimes, “Good Enough” is good enough. But only sometimes. And when designing your web site, you need to step up to something better than good enough. This isn’t going where you think it is. When Answer Guy Central was very young (and in fact was...