Everything. Every Thing. EVERYTHING (Yup, everything)

A few months ago, I wrote a piece about everything. You know … everything. Every thing you could ever want to know about everything you’ll ever encounter. Everything. I hope nobody thought I meant it. I ended the piece with these words, to underscore that:

If it sounds like I’m running a tremendous number of ideas together in one story, well . . . I am. And that’s the point. You can boil everything down to Influency* , but before we can, we need to figure out what everything is . . . for you.

Everything, of course, is never actually everything. And while you can’t ever get to everything, when you try and fail, you’ll still, more often than not, have—or say—too much!

I’m not suggesting that you be secretive, by the way; I’ve mentioned before that you need to get as close to transparency as you can with your business processes; it’s how trust is built. But you also need to know when to … stop.

Don’t ever sell WordPress.

I say this, and I mean it. But do I mean ‘WordPress is bad’? No; WordPress is a great environment for building and presenting your Influency efforts and right now we recommend it for pretty much everyone. What I mean is that (usually) your clients don’t care what systems you use to help them; they only care that what you do works. For them, and their goals.

Your design has to be great. Whatever that means. Your execution needs to be flawless. Everything you do has to work optimally. But you don’t have to talk about “what you do”. Clients only care what the work you execute for them does for them.

Knowing where the lines on the subject of everything lie isn’t always easy. Does your operating system matter? No. Unless you come across someone who needs to be told why. And you have to know … when that is, and for whom. Yikes!

Never Say WordPress

I find it amusing, by the way, that the page I linked above on ‘Don’t ever sell WordPress’ is currently running a rather prominent advertisement for Wix, a web site that is very much WordPress.com-like. Here’s why:

It all comes down to how much you say. Wix is actually a great tool. It lets you build a beautiful site (emphasis on the “beautiful” part) more easily than any other tool of its kind. And the price is right; Wix hosts your site for you at a rate that it’s hard to argue with. But as with Hubspot, once you’re in Wix, there’s no getting out. So overall, it’s a bad idea.

But almost no-one who goes there understands this. Should Wix disclose? Should the guy running the advertisement for them? Well no, of course not. Caveat Emptor falls to you.

So you read what you read, and the writer discloses what they disclose—or feel they need to. It’s like us disclosing where we get our art. And by the way, the “everything” art at the top of this page came from the blog we embedded in the image (good enough … ), but I’m going to go farther and tell you that the blog belongs to an author named Stuart Kelly. Mr. Kelly wrote this book, and this one, and if you click on those links and buy Stuart Kelly’s books we get a commission (wow! more disclosure!)

All of this is Influency* in the making, and all of it matters. Because whether you understand this or not, WordPress Runs Headway and Headway runs WordPress.

But you probably don’t care until I tell you to, and maybe not even then.

And that’s everything you need to know about … everything.