The USPS Customer Service Wall of Shame

Don’t you Hate Bad Customer Service? Us too. And we’ll be happy to show you how to make your company’s customer service business process shine. But this page isn’t about you, it’s about “them”.

Them is the companies that are neglecting customer service, or worse, treating it like a good way to neglect or abuse their customers and the trust of their customers—and calling that “customer service”. So welcome the The Answer Guy’s  USPS Customer Service Wall of Shame. Tell people about it.

Most important, if you know the companies you find here, tell them that you saw them on The USPS  Customer Service Wall of Shame at Answer Guy Central. Our goal is for this page to be empty. Help us . . . help you . . . help them.

The Customer Service Wall of Shame Namesake:

The United States Postal Service

Our Prior Customer Service Wall of Shame inductees: