This is only my second post in the last eight days.  Normally, I speak here five or more times per week. Due to some personal-life changes I’ve had a crazy busy schedule over the last few days, and while the discipline I use to keep writing here hasn’t waned, I simply have not had the time to weigh in very much lately.

It made me nervous. Would my readers disappear? Would the phone stop ringing? Turns out not; traffic to Answer Guy Central is up almost 19% this week compared to last week. Why? Because Search Engine Optimization and Long Tail Marketing work.

Click that Long Tail Marketing link and follow the path it sends you down. You’ll see a disparate collection of articles, all of which are written in such a way as to increase overall traffic and make Answer Guy Central score for a multitude of search terms. How well does that work? As of this morning, Answer Guy Central is made up of 468 articles and 25 website pages, and yet in the last thirty days we’ve attracted search engine attention based on 2600 different search terms.

Search Terms and Long Tail Marketing

I like having people who want to know what Axl Rose, Mick Jagger and The Grateful Dead are up to coming here. Looking for information about Lasek Surgery Eye Doctors and Hookers Non-Sexual Escorts? You’re coming to Answer Guy Central. And while it might seem that those aren’t business change-related topics, if you read those articles you’ll see why they are—and how people in the music business, a medical profession, or yes, even pimps and prostitutes can benefit from our SEO Consulting and Search Engine Optimization Services.

But this post is about Long Tail Marketing. Simply put, those 2600 search terms pointed at Answer Guy Central mean we get a lot of traffic, and quite a few of the people who land here go on to contacting us.

Take a look at this sample traffic report from Google Analytics:

Sample Google Analytics Report

It’s on the front page. I presume it’s real, although I can’t tell you what web site it represents traffic for. And whatever that web site is it generates 248,000 search hits per month as opposed to Answer Guy Central’s 75,000; it’s four times larger than we are, both in terms of traffic and clicks from search engine traffic.

And our approach to search engine optimization and long-tail marketing has made it so that we attract traffic on more keywords than a site that’s four times our size.

That’s the long tail. It works. In the Internet age, where business change and client attraction all happens on a global level, it’s pretty much the only way a small business can garner the attention it needs to become a larger business.

What are you doing about long tail marketing and search engine optimization? Want a help starting? Contact The Answer Guy.