Sometimes the best form talking is no talking at all. What kind of media/content message is THAT?

Stop Blogging. Fred Wilson has.

Seriously, though? I don’t actually mean either of those things.

Fred Wilson, notorious movie pirate and even more notorious venture capitalist, has decided to curtail—or at least slow—his blogging. Fred, of course, lives in a space that most of us do not, so when Fred Wilson decides to stop talking about something that he’s hitherto been passionate about, the impact it has on his business is minimal.

You probably can’t say the same.

Nevertheless, there’s an important lesson for everyone when Fred Wilson decides to stop doing something that he’s done for several years: Content and Media are only meaningful if you have something to say.

And can find an audience. Even if it’s Mommybloggers.

With the Internet having become so much noise and so little signal, standing out has become difficult—and becomes more so every day. In large part (and again, remember that the Fred Wilsons of the world are operating from a different playbook than most of us), if you aren’t adding something to ‘the conversation’, you might as well stop talking.

But for most of us, that presents a problem; stop your long tail marketing efforts and you’ll see your business dry up. Maybe not today, but … soon. You almost have to manufacture something interesting to say.

Not just almost. This stuff is real.

I often speak about ‘drinking your own Kool Aid’. The newest version of Answer Guy Central is a sort of monument to that; we’re here to get you noticed and increase your overall Influency, but we’re doing the same thing for ourselves, too. And you should bookmark this page if you’re going to follow along with The Answer Guy’s Daily Influency Videos, because we’ll be referring back to it, often.

As Mr. Wilson points out by his actions, there’s also the matter of understanding when things are changing. A couple of years ago I said that you shouldn’t be producing video merely because so many people were jumping on that bandwagon. The second part of that statement is still true; bad video is worse than none at all. But the game has changed; start producing video. Right now. Just make sure to do it the right way.

The question, with so many tools at your disposal, is how you pick the right ones—and the right strategies. And we’re here to help; contact me here if you want to talk.

Because even Android statisticians are doing better content than you are.