by Jeff Yablon | Sep 14, 2017 | Content
In life, as in business, some things are best thought of as magic. Don’t ask how they work, just be happy they do. On the other hand, some things work well enough—until you start thinking about what “well enough” means. Websites fall into this...
by Jeff Yablon | Sep 29, 2015 | Business Process, Content
It’s a good bet that at some point during any visit here you’ll notice that handsome devil, Will, The WordPress Helper. Will is was the mascot of The WordPress Helpers, formerly one of the sites in the PC-VIP family. Our web sites get about a thousand...
by Jeff Yablon | Jun 15, 2015 | Business Change Highlights, Content
Whether the subject is marketing, technology, people, money, or pretty much anything else, managing your business can be tricky. No more so than when it comes to protecting the value of your web site. We’ve mentioned several variations on this theme. A couple...
by Jeff Yablon | Apr 10, 2014 | Content, Influency, Marketing, Search Engine Optimization SEO
Let’s take a peek behind the content marketing curtain. There’s a lot that goes into content marketing. Being in the biz, one of the things I find most interesting about that is a new trend predicated almost entirely on Google telling the...
by Jeff Yablon | Apr 15, 2013 | Content, Development, Influency
Right this moment, someone is trying to hack your website. And if you use WordPress, right this moment about 90,000 someones are trying to break in. None of that is hyperbole. There really are bad guys out there trying to break the security on your web site every...