by Jeff Yablon | May 24, 2018 | Business Change Highlights, Customer Service
A few years ago, I told you about Google predicting that I’d be visiting a Costco in New Jersey. While I was sitting in my office in New York. Using a desktop computer. While it’s a complete coincidence that Google’s handling of data is becoming a...
by Jeff Yablon | Mar 19, 2018 | Business Process, Customer Service
As our deep dive into the issues surrounding restaurant management and delivery logistics continues, it becomes more and more obvious that we’re looking at complicated issues. Recently, I realized that one problem is—and I’m not being flip—that too many...
by Jeff Yablon | Jan 26, 2018 | Business Process, Customer Service
How much is a $250 bonus worth? The value of a 250 dollar bonus may be $250 when measured mathematically, but its real value has very little to do with the math. This week, one of the food delivery services doing business in New York City has offered couriers a bonus...
by Jeff Yablon | Aug 7, 2017 | Customer Service
Some years ago, I spent a bunch of time in France. As an American, I found cracking the social code there challenging. Then a friend told me the secret of what’s different in France than in the USA. French people reserve familiarity for their friends and...
by Jeff Yablon | Jul 24, 2017 | Business Process, Customer Service
And now, we present 10 Steps to saying no graciously! Except, of course, that there’s only one step. Before you say no, put yourself in your customer’s shoes. Simple, right? It’s easy to say something so obvious, but there’s a lot of room for...