The Death and Rebirth of Blog Comments

A couple of years ago I found myself in a back-and-forth through LinkedIn with Brian Clark, the impresario at Copyblogger and a guy I once referred to as the smartest guy in business. Brian and I were talking about his decision to turn off comments at Copyblogger, and...

Your Content Marketing Sucks

Your Content Marketing Sucks.   The idea of what makes for great content marketing and who’s good at it is evolving at an incredible pace. How fast? The amount Search Engine Optimization’s value shifted over the course of about five years seems about equal...

Adjusted Rhetoric (Trump Drumpf Edition)

  Rhetoric is a powerful thing. Just ask Donald Trump Drumpf. Adjusted rhetoric is even more so. OK, so in the case of Mr Trump, adjusted rhetoric goes only so far. He’s terrifying, and the fact that after TrumpDrumpf won a bunch of primaries during...