Our clients and prospective clients often ask us to prove that we know how to do Search Engine Optimization. It’s a reasonable question. Why would you hire us to do your SEO if you didn’t know we were good AT doing SEO?
Sometimes, we’re asked for referrals. Generally, we don’t provide referrals or seek testimonials from our SEO Clients, because we’ve found that (a) many of our clients are a little bit antsy about showing other folks how their SEO is working, and (b) we agree; divulging details of your Search Engine Optimization can lead to your competitors using that data against you. Bad idea.
But because we drink out own Kool Aid and we want to be able to show you why you should hire the Answer Guy to do your Search Engine Optimization instead of just tell you how great we are at SEO, what we do is talk about our SEO efforts on our own behalf.
What follows is a list of key phrases SEO Results—optimized for Google Search Engine Optimization by Answer Guy Central SEO Services, for Answer Guy Central SEO Services, as of January 2011. If you’re impressed enough about our SEO talents from just reading this table, that’s great; Contact The Answer Guy About Search Engine Optimization, right now.
Or click here for some deeper background about how we do SEO and some examples that show detail over time and explain our SEO philosophy.
Because the following information is being presented in tabular format the rationale for the Search Engine Optimization work being perfomed may not always be self-evident, nor even germane. For example, it might not seem important that we’ve optimized for the full name and surname of our CEO, Jeff Yablon. Note, however, that even as uncommon a name as “Yablon” is being competed for on the Internet by over 85,000 pages, and the phrase “Jeff Yablon” is on more than 11,000 pages—and that we have pages having to do with Mr. Yablon at both the #3 and #4 positions—and you can see why we include the information.
From the table you can see
- the number of competitive pages on each of the phrases for which we’ve done our SEO Magic
- what page in Google’s Search Engine Results that corresponds to
- the number of competitors for each phrase
- the exact page at Answer Guy Central that is being search engine optimized
- links to both the page for which we’ve done Search Engine Optimization, and Google’s live search results for the phrases
You may notice that several phrases are duplicated in the results table. This occurs when more than one page at Answer Guy Central is ranking for the same phrase.
You may also notice that in some cases phrases have less-than-impressive results. This information is revealed as an illustration of the importance of a precise understanding of search engine behavior in performing Search Engine Optimization, So, for example, business change ranks at “just” #260 (out of over 1.3 BILLION, by the way), while “business change” (with the quotation marks added) ranks at #33.
Finally, note that many of the pages for which we’ve optimized search results here include in their names the date on which the pages was originally written. Because of this, you can see that a page we wrote about well-known Business Guru Julien Smith is ranked at #28 for Mr. Smith’s name less than three weeks after we posted the page, and we rank in the top four for several phrases that include Julien’s name plus other words. As we pointed out, Julien Smith Rocks.
That’s called long-tail marketing, by the way. It’s part of how we execute Search Engine Optimization for our clients. And it matters. Oh, and we rank pretty high for long-tail marketing, too: #17 in the world, to be precise.
Enjoy the results, and Contact The Answer Guy for all your Search Engine Optimization and SEO Consulting needs.
Google Web Ranking Report
Jan 26, 2011